Full course description
The purpose of this course is to support impactful curriculum implementation through the K-2 Reading Foundations Skills Block (2017 ED). This one-hour instructional block is meant to ensure that, by the end of grade 2, students acquire the depth of skills they need in the Reading Foundations standards to navigate grade-level text independently.
Intended Audience: K-2 Teachers and Instructional Coaches
Learning Targets:
- I can summarize the research behind the K-2 Skills Block.
- I can explain the structure and components of the K-2 Skills Block and locate curriculum resources.
- I can describe the three types of assessments in the K-2 Skills Block and how they inform instruction.
- I can use assessment data to determine a student's microphase and create strategic groupings that support their needs.
- I can prepare for whole group and differentiated small group instruction in the K-2 Skills Block.
- I can prepare for independent rotations in the K-2 Skills Block.
Pre-requisites: None
Length: 6 hours
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