
Supporting the 3-5 Additional Language and Literacy Block

Time limit: 365 days

$250 Enroll

Full course description

The purpose of this course is to provide an opportunity for you to take a closer look at the structure and components of the Additional Language and Literacy (ALL) Block. You will explore how this critical component encourages student independence, reinforces content and skills from the module lessons, meets the unique developmental needs of each student, and ultimately leads students to mastery.

Intended Audience: Grades 3-5 Teachers, Instructional Coaches

Learning Targets:

  1. I can explain how the ALL Block encourages student independence, reinforces the content and skills from the module lessons, and meets the unique developmental needs of each student. 
  2. I can describe the components of the ALL Block. 
  3. I can describe the structure of the ALL Block.
  4. I can explain how students rotate through the ALL Block.
  5. I can describe the flexible groupings of the ALL Block.

Pre-requisites: None

Length: 6 hours

User Experience and Course Improvements

Searchable Courses

Learning Progress Tracker

With the addition of the new Atomic Search tool, learners can search within and across their courses to efficiently access what they need.

The interactive progress tracker helps learners orient themselves to the learning tasks ahead in the course sequence and plan a completion schedule.

Learn On The Go, 24/7

Activate Learning with Interactive Features

New courses have been built to be mobile-compatible, allowing learners to connect to content anytime, anywhere using the Canvas LMS mobile apps.

Interactive lesson plans, scavenger hunts, and other features make learning fun while grounding in real-life applications.

Personalized Learning Path

Learning Crew Community

The infrastructure of the new courses allows learners to choose their own pathway based on role, areas of interest, UDL, and personal preferences.

Learners can co-construct their understanding with fellow learners via discussion boards, video commentaries, Padlets, Flip (formerly FlipGrid), and embedded Google documents.

Consistent Learning Experience 

Accessible Learning

The 4 E’s Design Principles-engage, explore, enhance, and evolve- invite learners to participate in a targeted, consistent, and predictable learning routine, across all Canvas courses.

Robust accessibility check tools ensure course content is universally accessible to all learners, to align more closely with WCAG 2.0 Compliance standards.


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